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#Lucky Duck Super Revolt Special#

Super Revolt Special

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best customer service best sounds
r carlson (mn) 1/24/2025 6:12 AM
Rick has the best sounds on the market period! Also has the best customer service! He is on the other end and will keep you rollin.. I have 2 of these super revolts and run both cant say enough good things A+++++++++++++
Super revolt
Levi (North dakota) 12/13/2024 9:17 AM
I had issues with my super revolt caller right off the bat but talked to Cody and he went above and beyond with making sure he got the problem fixed! Caller is working awesome. Happy with caller and customer service. I give them a 11/10!
Rick is the best
Nate Elliott (Mass) 2/28/2024 7:42 PM
Lucky duck super revolt is awesome, Rick’s sounds are the best , but most of all Rick is a great man . Always so helpful and kind
Christopher Randall (WATFORD CITY, ND) 2/17/2024 1:28 PM
This call kills us more coyotes, period.
Super Revolt
Garret Detterer (Wyoming ) 2/3/2024 4:58 PM
This is an excellent call with good sounds. VerminatorPC has amazing customer service!
Michael (WV) 2/5/2023 12:58 PM
This call is amazing. I was on the fence for the longest time and was having a hard time spending this amount of money, but I'm glad I went with the Super Revolt. The features are well work the extra money over the Roughneck and Revolt. Customer Service from Verminator is awesome! We have chatted on numerous occasions about various things with the call and he always has the answer and is quick to respond! I will be a Lucky Duck Customer with The Verminator for life!
Watson (SC) 1/8/2023 5:47 PM
I preordered this call and have been using it since then. The call started to not spin to the right. I emailed and they didn’t ask any questions. They sent me a new call so I didn’t have to go without a call. I’m sending them my call back. Great call and even better customer service!!!
Awesome call
Will (NC) 5/10/2022 6:11 PM
I’ve used Foxpro for years then made the switch to the Roughneck. We have a lot of pressured Yotes in the area so changing to totally different sounds helped a lot. Upgrading to the Super Revolt where throwing motion/sounds in different directions is a game changer for me. In a short period of time my success rate is way up. In tall grass the Yotes actually come in looking around for thr sound vs running right at it. For me that’s perfect. The only downside is it’s a large device. I sure liked the size of the Roughneck. But my Sly Dog Ground & Pound Chair easily holds it. Overall I’m very happy!
Fantastic! but...
Joe Nenu (Tucson, AZ) 4/29/2022 3:31 AM
Rick, you've really done it again with the *Lucky Duck Super Revolt Special* I live 4 miles north of Tucson and out here we get mad hog, I'm talking wild, untamed pig. (You know) These beasts can be not only a danger to me and my family, but they scare away the local tumbleflies. Being a tumblehead myself this angered me for years before I learned about the *Lucky Duck Super Revolt Special* I've reduced the local hog population to 0.49% what it was 6 years ago. Currently under review for over hunting in my county but I think we know how that will go ;). Anyway this product more than satisfied my needs, in more ways than one and the hog meat has fed my family so I have to thank you for that as well. I thought it might be a bit pricey but in the long run it saved my tumblefly enthusiast website from being shut down due to inactivity, which in the end made me more money than I would have to spend on any piece of hunting equipment. Thank you again Verminator Predator Calls for everything, I, my family, and Tucson Arizonia thank you for the excellent product *Lucky Duck Super Revolt Special*. This product it has changed my life, I won't plug the fly website but if there are any fellow tumblefly enthusiasts out there you can find me with a quick google search :) Well, thats all old Joe has to say. Thank you for your time. Five BIG STARS. - Joe Nenu
YoteSmacker (ND) 2/11/2022 8:53 PM
Awesome call and awesome service. I don’t know what’s faster them responding back to emails or the coyotes coming to the super revolt!!
All the best wrapped into one.
Dale (Northern Ontario) 2/10/2022 3:47 PM
Take everything you love about previous units and combine it all into one. This unit is beefed up nicely as well. The erratic decoy motion will be a game changer. Lithium just makes sense if you live where it’s cold. The sounds of course are unmatched. You guys crushed it with this one!
ADC Trapper
James Cook (Nebraska) 2/9/2022 1:27 PM
Very nice call well constructed great sound profile .I like the decoy and being able to set the speed also being able to rotate the call.I really like the rubber coating on thecall&remote. Thanks Rick. James Cook
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